Information for Affiliates / Partners / Advertisers
NTS Computing do not actively advertise within the main content of the website, however, we do have a partners page containing textual links to online retailers. We provide these links to our customers via this website and other methods to encourage them to use internet retailing, and reassure them that it is not only fast and convenient, but also safe, secure and reliable.
We'll also use affiliate links within specific pages, for
example our virus removal and broadband pages contain
affiliate and non affiliate links to relevant products /
We are always looking to add new affiliates to the list, for our customers to benefit from. We also distribute a pre-populated list of favourites, containing affiliated links,
and desktop short cuts on our new system as part of the OOBE to get our customers started.
We also use mail and flyer drops not only to promote our own
services but also direct customers to our affiliate areas of
the site, with our invoices and other communications
we send to our customers.
If you are an IT retailer or service provider ...
As we are an IT related business, we are always looking for affiliates for us to make our purchases from. We have regular suppliers, who we always check with first, but will always source goods from the cheapest supplier, which could be you. We can always be persuaded to use suppliers who give a little commission in return for our trade.
While we try to remain impartial when recommending goods and services to our customers, we do occasionally make recommendations for certain brands, products or services.